I'm always happy to help, but please, please, check the FAQ just below this form before sending me an email. Chances are, your
question's answered right there. If it's not, then go ahead!
Please write in English, send your invoice number, along with your Unity version and the version of the Top Down Engine you're using (it's mentioned in the readme), so I can help you best. The more details you give, the better I'll be able to help.
⚠️ PLEASE READ THIS ‧ I downloaded the asset and it's not the latest version / it's not working / I don't have all the files
First, start by making sure you're running the latest current version of Unity. Then try downloading the asset again. Each version of the engine
requires a specific Unity version, usually the current version at the time of the update's release, and if your version doesn't match, you'll get an old version. That's normal, that's how the Asset Store works.
You can check what the requirements for each engine's version are
on the Releases page.
⚠️ IMPORTANT INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ‧ I get errors after importing the package / the camera doesn't move!
Is there a tutorial or something ?
Is there a list of upcoming features somewhere? When will you release the update X or feature Y ?
When it's done. I don't give ETAs. Things get released when they've been properly implemented and tested. I don't believe in releasing
half done work, and prefer focusing on quality. By definition it's hard to predict that kind of stuff, so don't buy the asset for what
may or may not come, but for what's already in it.
In general, features get prioritized by amount of requests, and what I estimate benefits more to the asset's users. That list used to be
public, it's not anymore, as some people got really angry because their very specific feature didn't make it into a release and apparently
couldn't handle that like normal people, and I don't really have time to deal with that kind of attitude. But rest assured that there is
a massive todo list, and a lot of cool features are coming. If you want to know about a specific feature, you can always drop me a line,
I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
Can you develop that feature that I really need ?
I'm always open to suggestions, and I'll be happy to add yours to the list. Don't hesitate to use the contact form to suggest new features. Please note that requesting a feature doesn't mean it'll get instantly done.
My goal is to create a strong yet generic basis for a platformer game. If your request is
very specific (like a grappling hook or a portal gun - although I reckon that'd be pretty fun), it probably won't make it. The engine is for everyone, not just one user, and what you need is very valid but may not be what most
people need :)
What’s the best way to update from an old version of the engine?
Whatever you do, make sure you have a commit / backup to rollback to if a problem happens. Then,
remove the old TopDownEngine folder, and import the new one. If you don’t, due to the way the Asset Store importer works, some scripts may be duplicated, not removed, etc. Depending on what version you’re updating from, and what version you’re updating to, you may have some light refactoring to do. Make sure you check the
release notes to see what changed and what may have an impact on your own code.
How easy is it to do this thing I want to do ?
I don't know. How easy something would be to implement depends on your skills, not mine. I can't answer that for you.
Usually if you're asking the question, that means you have no idea how to do that task, so I'd say "relatively hard".
Break your problem into smaller problems and see how you could address them. And maybe look at the documentation and list of features
to see what the engine can do for you regarding these specific problems.
What's the awesome music I can hear in the demo levels ?
What are the minimum prefabs I need to start a level from scratch ?
I get that one a lot actually, so I've included a "minimal demo" scene in the assets. It contains, as the name implies, the only
assets you need to get started.
The asset is not working with my gamepad!
Controls have been set up for keyboard and xbox pc gamepad. Obviously including support for every gamepad/configuration would be impossible,
so I just went with the most common conf. Luckily for you, this has nothing to do with the TopDown Engine, and is really a general Unity matter.
You should be able to find the right conf by googling it or on the Unity forums. Key binding is set up in the engine like in any other Unity project,
via Edit > Project Settings > Input.
The asset is crashing on my device!
My guess is it's a performance issue.
- does it work in the editor ?
If it works in the editor, your device may not be powerful enough to run it.
- does the MinimalLevel scene alone work on your tablet ?
If it works, your device may not be powerful enough to run larger levels.
This is a general Unity performance problem,
nothing really specific to the engine I'm afraid.
If you absolutely want to run it on that device, aim for smaller assets,
less enemies, stuff like that.
Mesa1 level for example does include some very large assets
(4096x4096 backgrounds for example), clearly not fit for slow devices.
Where can I change the input settings ? I don't like pressing A to jump!
Like in any good Unity project, the settings are defined in the
Input Manager.
You can access it via Edit > Project Settings > Input.
Can I mix this with the Infinite Runner Engine, Highroad Engine or the Corgi Engine into just one project?
All of these assets are what Unity considers "Complete Projects". That means that they come with their own dependencies, and their own project settings (input, most importantly, but also layers, tags, etc). All of
these assets were designed to be foundations on their own, not to be used together. It's of course possible to do so, but you'll have to do some refactoring, and this is not officially supported (it'd be impossible
to maintain compatibility across all assets at all times). If you decide to do so, I'd recommend unifying MMTools and input first, the rest should be pretty straightforward.
How can I add my own mobile controls, or the ones from that asset I bought ?
If you look at the current mobile controls, you'll see that each button has its various events (button pressed, released, etc...) bound
to methods in the InputManager class. As you'll see, this class is full of simple methods like Jump(), RunStart(), etc... It acts
like a remote for your character. If you want to replace the mobile controls included in the asset with your own, you just have to remove these,
and bind your new buttons/controls to these InputManager methods.
What programming language is the asset written in?
Are there any legal things I need to know about? Can I use this asset commercially?
You can absolutely use this asset commercially. What you can't do is redistribute the asset (or parts of it), but you can
of course use it to compile a game and sell that game. Apart from that, the only copyrighted things are the asset's name, and the
placeholder music tracks, that you can't use.
Do I need to display some form of credit?
No, you don't have to. If you want to it's fine though, in which case you can put a "Made with the TopDown Engine" mention somewhere.
Am I allowed to use the code in more than one project ? Can I modify the source code or the visual assets ?
Once you've bought the asset you can do anything you want with the source code, you're just not allowed to redistribute it (offer it for free, sell it anywhere, etc).
You can of course use that code to create commercial games and sell these, just don't redistribute the contents of the asset. And yes you can modify it, use it in more than one project. It's yours now!
Can I just compile the asset and upload it without changing anything to Google Play, Steam or the Apple Store ?
Well no you can't. Although this sounds like a genius masterplan, I'm afraid it's not legal.
Be imaginative, create your own game. Of course you can use the asset as a basis, that's what it's for.
I really love the asset, is there any way I can help ?
Who are you? What is More Mountains?
My name is Renaud Forestié, I'm a French game designer based in Montreal, Canada.
I also do
illustration work and I'm available as
freelance. I founded
More Mountains, my creative studio, in 2015, after
15 years spent as a freelance art director and game designer.
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